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State-Based Property Testing Tutorial

State-Based Property Testing Tutorial

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Please feel to play along and tinker with the code.

$ ./sbt
> example/runMain hedgehog.examples.state.KVTest

The Problem

To start with let's define an interface/abstraction for something we want to test against, the most basic key/value store:

trait KV {

def put(k: String, v: String): Unit

def get(k: String): Option[String]

Now let's write some normal property tests to test it:

def testPut(kv: KV): Property =
for {
k <- genKey
v <- genValue
} yield {
kv.put(k, v)
kv.get(k) ==== Some(v)

def testGetMissing(kv: KV): Property =
for {
v <- genValue
} yield {
kv.get(k) ==== None

So far so good. But do we think we have tested all the cases? Think about that for a second and let's see what happens...

We're looking at an interface with just two functions, but there are infinite ways in which we can interact with them. How well do are tests scale when we add one more function (ie delete)? Or ten?

What we really want to do is let our property testing library generate the interactions themselves!


At a conceptual level the idea with state-based testing is to "model" the real world with something pure (ie in memory). We then execute real commands against our system/api, and compare the result with what our model expects.

At the technical level the current approach to writing a state-based test is to implement a series of very specific functions for each operation or "command" you want to test.

Firstly let's create our pure domain model for testing. In this case it's trivial to think of a key-value store as an immutable Map.

case class State(map: Map[String, String])

For each command you quite often end up just reifying the function arguments in to a data type:

case class Put(key: String, value: String)
case class Get(key: String)

For each command you need to implement the Command interface. This can look quite daunting so let's step through it:

def command(kv: KV): CommandIO[State] =

new Command[State, Input, Output] {

def gen(s: State): Option[Gen[Input]]

def execute(i: Input): Either[String, Output]

def update(s: State, i: Input): State

def ensure(s0: State, s1: State, i: Input, o: Output): Result


Firstly, we need to be able to generate random inputs to our command.

The key thing to note is that we take in the current state, which we might want to use to generate some values. There might be cases where no valid input can be generated. For example you need to call put before you can call get. One simple way to generate our operations would be something like:

def gen(s: State): Option[Gen[Put]] =
Some(for {
k <- Gen.string(Gen.ascii, Range.linear(1, 10))
v <- Gen.string(Gen.ascii, Range.linear(1, 10))
} yield Put(k, v))

def gen(s: State): Option[Gen[Get]] =
Some(Gen.string(Gen.ascii, Range.linear(1, 10))

But how often do we generate the same keys in either case? Shouldn't we try to generate similar keys sometimes?

A slightly better attempt:

def genKey: Gen[String] =
Gen.string(Gen.ascii, Range.linear(1, 10))

def gen(s: State): Option[Gen[Put]] =
Some(for {
k <- match {
case Nil =>
case h :: t =>
// Choice between known and unknown keys
50 -> genKey
, 50 -> Gen.element(h, t)
// Always generate a unique value
v <- Gen.string(Gen.ascii, Range.linear(1, 10))
} yield Put(k, v))

def gen(s: State): Option[Gen[Get]] =
Some(( match {
case Nil =>
case h :: t =>
// Mostly get values we know to exist, but also try values that don't
80 -> Gen.element(h, t)
, 20 -> genKey

That's definitely a little more involved, but you can see we're getting a good spread of put/get values with known/duplicate and unknown keys. That should cover everything, which is a critical component of good property testing in general.


This is the easy bit, just call our operation. Note the lack of our model/state, you can also interact with the "real world".

def execute(i: Put): Either[String, Unit] =
Right(kv.put(i.key, i.value))

def execute(i: Get): Either[String, Option[String]] =


This is where we need to "model" what we expect that operation to do in our pure state.

def update(s: State, i: Put): State =
s.copy(map = + (i.key -> i.value))

// There are no side-effects for get, so nothing to do
def update(s: State, i: Get): State =


This is the "post condition". What did we expect to happen in the real world vs our model?

Just as a side note, the s0 means the state before update is run, and s1 is the current state. It's always possible, and fairly common, to just use s1 and the input value.

// Almost the reverse of update, for side-effect operations we may not observe anything just yet
def ensure(s0: State, s1: State, i: Put, o: Unit): Result =

def ensure(s0: State, s1: State, i: Get, o: Option[String]): Result = ==== o


The common question here is "won't we just end up with two implementations"? Yes and no. Obviously this is a trivial example. The model is so simple that we can actually have a 100% full re-implementation. This won't always be the case, we may only want to guarantee some invariants are true, but not the exact behaviour. Also remember that we haven't actually looked at the implementation of KV yet. It might be storing keys on files, or across the network with multiple copies. If there are any bugs in any of that code it's quite likely we will find it at some point.


So the final piece is to hook up all our commands to form a property. It would look something like this:

def testKVFileSequential: Property = {
val root = File("tmpdir")
// Create a simple file-system KV store
val kv = KV.file(root)
// The range of commands to generate
Range.linear(1, 100)
// Out initial state to be used for each test run
, State(Map())
// The list of commands
, List(putCommand, getCommand)
// Any cleanup code for the real-world, which in this case is to delete the KV file root for each test run
, () => root.delete()

This can be added to Hedgehog like any other property:

override def tests: List[Test] =
property("test file KV (sequential)", testKVFileSequential)

Some errors that a naive file implementation found:

Invalid file path

> Var(Name(0)) = Put(???,b)

> Error thrown running execute: Invalid file path

The first set of line(s) are the series of commands that have been run in order (ignore Var for now). Everything after that is our Result log.

So I'm generating invalid keys. So there is some restrictions on what our keys can be. Interesting. For now update the generator to something much more restrictive.

Note that this would have been found pretty quickly by our "normal" put/get property. So far state-based testing hasn't done much for us.

Let's fix the key generator.

def genKey : Gen[String] =
for {
c <- Gen.lower
s <- Gen.string(Gen.choice1(Gen.lower, Gen.constant('/')), Range.linear(0, 10))
} yield c + s

Leaky File Abstraction

> Var(Name(15)) = Put(a,b)
> Var(Name(16)) = Get(a/)

> === Not Equal ===
> --- lhs ---
> None
> --- rhs ---
> Some(b)

Ahh, now we're getting somewhere a more interesting. We've generated a sequence of putting to a key and then getting the same key with a trailing slash we get back an unexpected value. The key-value abstraction has definitely leaked the underlying file implementation!

This now would have required a slightly more sophisticated property testing rather than a simple round-trip like shown above. We didn't even have to think about it, it just comes with modelling each command once.

Also note that it appears to have found the absolute minimum case, where "a" is the key. If you disable shrinking you may get up to 100 steps, where only two of them are relevant to the failure case.


Ok, so this is where things get really interesting. By changing two lines we transform our sequential test in to a parallel one. Without changing any of our testing logic!

// Import this somewhere
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._

def testParallel: Property = {
val root = new File("tmpdir")
val kv = KV.file2(root)
// This is still required, but now means the range of commands for the prefix (see below)
Range.linear(1, 10)
// This is now required. It specifies the range of command we want to generate for each parallel branch (see below)
, Range.linear(1, 10)
, State.default
, commands(kv)
, () => root.delete()

What does it find?

> --- Prefix ---
Var(Name(1)) = Put(a,A)
--- Branch 1 ---
Var(Name(2)) = Put(a,A)
--- Branch 2 ---
Var(Name(3)) = Get(a)

> === Not Equal ===
> --- lhs ---
> Some(A)
> --- rhs ---
> Some()

> no valid interleaving

This can be slightly harder to read than sequential test output. In parallel tests we start by generating a sequence of actions to be run in a single thread. This is basically to initialise our state/store safely. At this point we then generate two sequences of actions, and execute them on two JVM threads and race them. At this point it's now basically impossible to observe the exact sequence of actions that happened on either thread. Instead what hedgehog does is re-run the model update for each combination of actions, and at least one of the expected results must not be a failure. We must be able to find one (potential) way that we reached the output we observed (ie it must linearize)

From that error it looks like we are somehow getting back an empty result from Get That should be impossible, and yet here we are. If we look at the implementation it should be easy to spot:

val w = new FileWriter(f)

There is a very small window where we open the file writer and write before flushing/closing. And yet hedgehog found it! As a better alternative we could write to a temporary file, and then rename once the data has been written, which should be atomic.

Would we have found that edge-case ourselves with any kind of example or property testing? I highly doubt it!


One thing I have left-off is probably the most confusing aspect of the hedgehog implementation of state-based testing (it doesn't exist in ScalaCheck for example). This is that we have to deal with something called Var and Environment. These are visible in the execute, update and ensure functions:

def execute(env: Environment, i: Input): Either[String, Output]

def update(s: State, i: Input, o: Var[Output]): State

def ensure(env: Environment, s0: State, s1: State, i: Input, o: Output): Result

For the tests we just wrote we actually don't need them, but they are useful in more complex testing scenarios. Please see the next tutorial to learn more.

For now just ignore them, you can still get started and write some reasonable properties like we just did.
