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State-Based Property Testing Tutorial (Part 2 - Vars)

State-Based Property Testing Tutorial (Part 2 - Vars)

This tutorial continues on from the first tutorial.

Follow Along

Please feel to play along and tinker with the code.

$ ./sbt
> example/runMain hedgehog.examples.state.CRTest

The Problem

To start with let's define an interface/abstraction for something we want to test against, part of a basic create/read/update/delete or CRUD store, which I'm calling CR as we only support create/read to simplify the example:

trait CR {

def create(v: String): CRId

def read(id: CRId): Option[String]

case class CRId(render: String)

NOTE: The big difference here from the previous KV is that the service is returning it's own identifier instead of being passed on. That has implications for testing the state with Hedgehog, which require something extra...

Model (take 1)

Similar to our previous example, this also seems fairly straight forward. But we're about to hit a snag...

case class State(map: Map[CRId, String])

And our command input types:

case class Create(value: String)
case class Read(id: CRId)

Now let's step throught the Command functions for create/read like before:


Generation is fairly typical. Note that we can't really usefully create a Read value until we have at least one value in State.

def gen(s: State): Option[Gen[Create]] =
Some(for {
v <- Gen.string(Gen.ascii, Range.linear(1, 10))
} yield Create(v))

def gen(s: State): Option[Gen[Read]] = match {
case Nil =>
// We haven't created anything yet
case h :: t =>
Some(Gen.element(h, t).map(Read(_)))

Execute (take 1)

So far everything lines up just like before:

def execute(i: Create): Either[String, CRId] =
Right(cr.create(i.key, i.value))

def execute(i: Read): Either[String, Option[String]] =


def update(s: State, i: Create, o: Var[CRId]): State =
s.copy(map = + (o -> i.value))

// There are no side-effects for get, so nothing to do
def update(s: State, i: Read): State =

Hang on, what's that Var[CRid] doing?!? Why isn't it just a concrete CRId? That code doesn't even compile!


It turns out that Hedgehog forces a very clear separation for functions that can access the "real world" state, and those that can't. The reasons for this are a little involved, but the basic idea is that we can generate a full sequence of commands up-front, without having called execute. So the question/problem then becomes, how do we capture the "result" to be used in gen, like we need to do for read?

This is where Var and Environment come in. For each Command.execute, Hedgehog allocates a unique Name (just a plain old incrementing Int), and passed that to the "pure" functions, like update and gen. It's only when we need the concrete values do we get access to the Environment to look them up.

Here is the relevant data types, that should hopefully make more sense now?

case class Name(value: Int)

case class Environment(map: Map[Name, Any])

case class Var[A](name: Name) {
def get(env: Env): A =

Model (take 2)

So we will need to tweak our model and input slightly to use Var:

case class State(map: Map[Var[CRId], String])

case class Read(id: Var[CRId])

Execute (take 2)

So let's try that again. Note that we now use Environment in the Read version to get the concrete CRId returned from create.

def execute(env: Environment, i: Create): Either[String, CRId] =
Right(cr.create(i.key, i.value))

def execute(env: Environment, i: Read): Either[String, Option[String]] =


This is identical to KV, although notice we could use Environment here if we needed to, unlike update.

// Almost the reverse of update, for side-effect operations we may not observe anything just yet
def ensure(env: Environment, s0: State, s1: State, i: Create, o: CRId): Result =

def ensure(env: Environment, s0: State, s1: State, i: Read, o: Option[String]): Result = ==== o


Let's look at the output of a failed test again:

Var(Name(0)) = Create(a)
Var(Name(1)) = Create(b)
Var(Name(2)) = Read(Var(Name(0)))

We can start to see that each command is shown to be assigning the result to a new, unique Var. We aren't looking at the actual CRId values. Hedgehog (currently) can't tell that Read doesn't actually return anything (useful) and so the Unit value is also asigned to a new Var.


Unfortunately there isn't much documentation for this approach at the moment.