
PropertyConfig Module

Namespace: Hedgehog

Assembly: Hedgehog.dll

Functions and values

Function or value Description


Full Usage: defaultConfig

Returns: PropertyConfig

The default configuration for a property test.

Returns: PropertyConfig

withShrinks shrinkLimit config

Full Usage: withShrinks shrinkLimit config

Returns: PropertyConfig

Set the number of times a property is allowed to shrink before the test runner gives up and displays the counterexample.

shrinkLimit : int<MeasureProduct<shrinks, MeasureOne>>
config : PropertyConfig
Returns: PropertyConfig

withTests testLimit config

Full Usage: withTests testLimit config

Returns: PropertyConfig

Set the number of times a property should be executed before it is considered successful.

testLimit : int<MeasureProduct<tests, MeasureOne>>
config : PropertyConfig
Returns: PropertyConfig

withoutShrinks config

Full Usage: withoutShrinks config

Returns: PropertyConfig

Restores the default shrinking behavior.

config : PropertyConfig
Returns: PropertyConfig